Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry and Regina walk into a bar...

Harry Potter's chewing on my soul. I think he opened up a link between his mind and mine, because today at work, every word that began with a D turned into "dementor" and I started writing something and it came out Harry Potterish (about memories or something, certainly not TANF-related). Christina think I got Imperiused. I think I shouldn't have stopped at page 500 last night and should have just plowed through until the end. But seeing how I woke up at 3:50 AM yesterday morning to drive to the Shenendoah Valley, I thought it best to go to stop at 2:00 AM last night.

So, every girl loves Regina Spektor. It's just how it is. Once I found out she was Russian, I knew something was suspect. What Russian women have been imported to the US? There was that Russian woman in "From Russia With Love" who really got James Bond into a spot of trouble and then there were the 14 year-old lesbians in T.A.T.U driving 200 K/HR IN THE WRONG LANE!!! So, I distrust Russian women. It's got to be some Putinish plot, this whole Regina Spektor thing. I'm glad I went to elementary school during the Cold War to get the fear of Russians instilled in me. The kids nowadays grab up Russian stuff like cursed chocolate cauldrons. I guarantee that Regina Spektor's next album will have all the girls singing "I love Lenin I love Stalin, they're better better better better bettter bettteeeeerrrrrr!"

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