Thursday, December 3, 2015

An addendum to my review of Baby Ghosts

As I was driving to Scouts last night with Dave and Caleb, we listened to Baby Ghosts again and I had some more thoughts about the album, some of which have been bouncing around in my head over the last week, but didn't end up in the review. I dictated as I drove, Dave wrote, and here is an edited transcript. 

(1) There is a horn on Oil/Sunshine that blares somewhere in the second verse which screws me up every time I am driving. Every time the song starts, I remind myself, "There is a horn two minutes in that will make it sound like someone is honking at you. Don't freak out. You're a great driver that never deserves to get honked at." Doesn't matter. I forget, the horn sounds, I whip my head around and start yelling, "What's your problem, you medieval..." and then I remember that I am a great driver and it's just a Baby Ghost.

(2) There are no (apparent) synths in the album and it just reminds me how synths now ride unchecked across the rock landscape, sucking the vitality out of bands and listeners alike. I think our generation failed in inoculating the millennials against synths and now they must suffer the same pains as the 80s teens. Bands like Baby Ghosts are the antidote. (OK, so on this one I really changed the transcript. As you can see, what I really said was: "Proves now better rock not use synths. Can't get energy." Doug speak like caveman.)

(3) Two female singers! How did I not notice that? 

(4) I am not convinced by your argument that sounding like Meg White is always a bad thing. Sure, she's awful in It's True We Love One Another, but she's really great in In the Cold Cold Night. Besides, the secondary female singer in Baby Ghosts sounds more like Fear of Men than Meg.

(5) The other day, one of my co-workers brought in some persimmons. One of the students claimed it tasted like a fruity pumpkin (good band name). I disagree. It tastes like sugary blandness.

(6) Don't write down everything I say, Dave! Just about the music.

(7) My greatest fear is that Baby Ghosts will lose their energy by adding synths and taking a long time to record more albums. They need to make an album a year like the White Stripes in their heyday. At some point, someone in the band is going to get it into their heads that they need to compose all their new songs on the marimba, and then it's all over.

(8) I can't listen to Cookies anymore. You mention it's the worst thing recorded. But could it be possibly worse than Beachball by REM? I don't think that's possible. I need you to explore this more.

(For the "primary source or it didn't happen!" crowd, here are the original transcripts)

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