Monday, May 12, 2014

Reaction to the Vid of the Day

I am utterly confused by this video.

First of all, I never have heard the original (because it apparently came out during my mission which means, in my alternate timeline of the world, it never happened) so I am approaching this all backwards, listening to this version first and then the real version second.

Second, I don't know who these people are who are playing the song. Are they the original band? Are they two people on a couch? And why are they wearing Christmas sweaters? Is it even Christmas where they are?

Third, this song reminds of the time when I was an 18-year-old teenage dirtbag at BYU, I won two free tickets to see Better Than Ezra at Club DV8, and couldn't find a girl to go with me. I have often thought that the nadir of my dating life was when I had a nosebleed while fast dancing at prom and drops of blood literally landed on the dance floor in front of my date. But not even finding a girl to take a free ticket to a concert might be the lowest point.

Fourth, I just listened to the original and could only make it about halfway through. It's terrible. It in no way reminds me of when I was an 18-year-old teenage dirtbag. It makes me hate teenage dirtbags and wish that they would have a freaking shower, get a haircut, and go to school instead of wasting their time listening to Iron Maiden and getting stoned with their friends. I want everyone in that band to get shipped off to military school.

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